Can You Use Saltwater In A Fibreglass Pool?
Yes! Fibreglass pools can definitely be saltwater. In fact saltwater chlorinators are a great alternative to traditional chlorine pool systems. Saltwater pools can provide a wide range of surprising health benefits just from swimming in them! Many Australians pool owners have opted to choose a saltwater pool and for good reason; it’s estimated that 80% of Australian pools now have a saltwater system.
But as you may know, saltwater can be highly abrasive and corrosive. So, what makes fibreglass pools so resistant to saltwater while other pools struggle with it? Read on to learn all about fibreglass pools and those amazing benefits of saltwater we mentioned!

What Is A Saltwater Chlorinator?
Saltwater pools run on – you guessed it! – a saltwater-based cleaning system. Conversely, traditional pools run on a chlorine-based cleaning system that makes particular use of chlorine tablets.
However, a saltwater chlorinator will make use of a salt chlorine generator to separate the salt from the water, and turn it into hypochlorous acid. In turn, this acid replaces the need for chlorine tablets, as the acid will itself sanitise your pool water. It’s important to note that while saltwater is a great alternative to traditional chlorine-based systems, it does not replace the need for chlorine, and there such chemicals entirely. It simply uses less of those chemicals. You should still regularly check your PH and alkaline levels.
Apart from cleaning, saltwater pools have a lot of differences from chlorine pools. Namely, many pool owners claim that saltwater feels “smoother” on their skin, and more therapeutic. Saltwater is also far less likely to irritate your skin than chlorine is.
Pros Of Saltwater Pools
A few of the advantages to swimming in a saltwater pool include:
- You get that “silky smooth” water feeling that chlorine pools simply don’t have
- Reduced chance of skin irritation due to chlorine imbalance and tablets
- Because your pool’s water system will using salt to clean, you’ll end up spending less overall on cleaning chemicals like chlorine
- No more stinging eyes from chlorine
- Saltwater does not discolour your swimmers and clothes
- Your pool will remind you of the beach!
- If you’re fond of dogs and/or pets swimming in your pool, then saltwater is not as hazardous for them to accidentally swallow as chlorine is (but still rinse their mouth out to be safe.)
…Saltwater can noticeably smooth and soften your skin because it is a natural exfoliator, without any of the irritation that chlorine can cause…
Cons To Consider
- Saltwater – while it feels nice on your skin – can easily damage your pool equipment, such as skimmers, and leave them rusty in no time. To avoid this, you’ll need to regularly rinse and maintain your equipment.
- If you’re considering a concrete or vinyl pool then a saltwater chlorinator will not be suitable.
- Saltwater will change the chemical balance in your pool and it’s important you keep track of the new balance in order to avoid calcium build-up and other nuisances.
- Although a saltwater chlorinator can help you save costs on chemicals in the long term, the upfront cost is pricier than traditional cleaning systems.
- It is recommended that you run your saltwater pump for 8 hours a day
Which Pools Can Make Use Of Saltwater?
Unfortunately, concrete pools do not work well with saltwater and it is strongly advised you do not use the two together. This is because the abrasive and corrosive nature of saltwater (even though it’s only a fraction of the salt compared to ocean swimming) will slowly eat away at the cement surface of a concrete pool. This can lead to catastrophic damage of the fragile interior (nuts, bolts, support beams) of a concrete pool.

It is highly advised that you do not install a saltwater system with a vinyl pool either. While vinyl certainly deals with salt better than concrete, it is still at great risk of corrosion. If a vinyl pool were to compromise it’s liner, then the salt water would quickly corrode the metal parts behind it.
Fibreglass pool
Fibreglass pools and saltwater are compatible! Thank goodness, because we were sick of listing pools that didn’t work with saltwater. A fibreglass pool works so well with saltwater because it’s surface is non-porous: this means that none of that abrasive, corrosive salt will get through to the important parts behind your pool’s surface. An added benefit of the smooth, non-porous nature of fibreglass is that it’s highly resistant to algae, meaning you can spend less on cleaning chemicals!
Why More People Are Choosing Saltwater
Australian families and pool owners have (mostly) made the switch to saltwater pools for the wide range of benefits that it provides. The main benefit is of course the gentler, softer feel of the water on your skin. Saltwater is also far less likely to cause red eye irritation like chlorine, and many pool owners prefer this. Saltwater is also less likely to bleach your swimming clothes. Additionally, saltwater pools do not have that nasty smell that chlorine pools do; in fact, saltwater wont turn your hair green like chlorine pools do!
If you’re interested in installing a salt water pool then your first step will be buying a pool! Why not choose a fibreglass pool, the one pool that can safely use saltwater? In addition to this, fibreglass pools from The Fibreglass Pool Company have a bunch of advantages and our range is one of the widest on the market. See our pools today!