A pool is a great investment into your property. It brings the family closer and also increases the value of your house significantly. It is a luxury addition that pays well over for what it’s worth. Not only that, it helps you de-stress after a hard day too.
A swim in the pool can easily lift your mood and make things better. Host a barbecue with friends and family on the weekend and bond with the pool-related activities. But remember, a saltwater pool is different from a chlorine pool.

Why is it different?
Both the pools use chlorine as a sterilizing agent in the water. It gets rid of all the organic matter in the pool and helps you prevent an outbreak of both bacteria and algae. It keeps your pool clean and also sanitary enough for human use.
In a saltwater pool, a salt-chlorine generator provides all the chlorine that is needed in the pool. It is relatively maintenance free if you take care of it on a regular basis.
Few ways to manage your saltwater fibreglass pool
Proper Circulation
This is the key to maintaining a saltwater based pool system. If your circulation system is not working well, the concentration of chlorine can spike in certain areas of the pool. If you have an irregular-shaped pool, then we would not recommend making it a saltwater pool.
Because to be effective, it needs a great amount of planning done by an expert. In most cases, maintaining circulation is very easy. All you need to do is check whether all the water is going through the circulation system or not.
There are several ways of doing this, but a salt concentration detector is the most reliable way of doing things. If the numbers shown on the detector are in the same range, then you are good to go. But if they are very different, then you need to change the angle of your jets.
Regular Cleaning
A saltwater pool needs to be cleaned on a regular basis so that there is no dirt or debris in the pool. But always remember most of the cleaners are designed while keeping a chlorine pool in mind. A saltwater pool is a much harsher environment and only tools suited for that environment.
Control the splashing in the pool, especially around the perimeter, as the salt concentration can build up along the pool liner. This can damage it significantly over time. Hose down the sides of the pool after cleaning it to make sure there is no salt concentration buildup along the sides of the pool. This minimizes the salt buildup and evenly distributes the chlorine across the pool.

NO Salt Crystals
There should be absolutely no salt crystals forming in your pool. Whether it be your pool sides or the walls, if there are salt crystals forming, that means something is wrong with your pool. Address this problem as soon as possible.
Contact a professional if the salt crystal keeps forming. This means that the salt concentration in your pool is askew and needs to be looked at by a professional.
Pool Chemistry
Your pool’s equilibrium is much more fragile than you think. Heavy winds and rain can disrupt it easily but not taking action for a week or so can also wreak havoc. Maintain the salt level as it helps in keeping the pool clean.
Manage Your Stabilizer
A stabilizer will stop the chlorine from evaporating from your pool. Cyanuric acid bonds with the chlorine and keeps it in the pool itself. Keep checking for optimal cyanuric acid levels to ensure chlorine stability in your pool.
PH Levels
Normally the pH level of your pool should be 7.4. If it is lower, the water is acidic. And if it is higher, it means that it is basic. Both of these conditions can harm the pool’s ecosystem and can be damaging for everything and anything in and around the pool.
In a saltwater pool, these levels keep fluctuating, but a rising pH can be a cause for concern. When salt concentration is high, it can damage the pool’s walls and the circulation system too. It is highly corrosive to the metals in and around the pool system.

Regular Testing
You can easily avoid such problems by regularly testing your pool. PH and chlorine levels are easy to monitor and there are a number of pool testing kits available in the market. Make sure you administer these tests once a week and make changes accordingly to your pool.
Granular Chlorine
As the name suggests, it is a solid form of chlorine that can be added to the pool directly. You can easily shock your pool with this, and it is advisable to use this if your pool water starts getting murky.
Low chlorine levels mean a buildup of organic matter in the pool, which gives it a greenish tint. This can either be because of bacteria or algae. Both are bad news, so you should shock your pool when you see a green colour developing. Also, shock your pool after a party or heavy usage. This is because the sunscreen lotion and the sweat from the bodies of people can throw off the equilibrium very easily.
Salt Cell Generator
A very crucial part of a saltwater pool system is that you should check your salt cell generator on a regular abscess. Visually inspect it after turning the generator off. It is advisable that you shut off the pump too and see if there is a buildup of minerals on the metal plates. These mineral deposits will look flaky and white in colour. Remove them from the plates so that they can function properly.
Contact the pool owner’s in your area for cleaning tips. We will be more than happy to help you with all your pool-related needs. Our experts have years of experience in pool maintenance and will be able to take care of all your problems in one go. Contact us for a consultation and the best prices in the area.