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Top 5 Tips To Keep Your Pool Maintained Through The Summer Months

Top 5 Tips To Keep Your Pool Maintained Through The Summer Months

Swimming pools are typically left unused during the winter months, but as the heat begins to rise with the change of seasons, pools start becoming more inviting. When summer finally hits, swimming pools offer some much-needed respite from the soaring temperatures. However, if you haven’t paid much attention to your pool in the winters, then you need to do certain things to ensure that your pool is well-maintained and ready for the summer.


So, without further ado, here are a few helpful tips that are sure to come in handy for maintaining your swimming pool for and throughout the months of summer.

1. Give your pool a thorough cleanup

You might have kept your pool covered through winter, but that doesn’t ensure that there hasn’t been any growth of potentially harmful microorganisms in its waters. In any case, it’s best to give your pool a thorough cleanup so that any dirt, dust, debris, and microorganism buildup is done away with.

While you can definitely drain all the water and do the cleaning manually, it would be much more convenient to invest in a pool cleaner to do the job. Robotic pool cleaners are becoming more and more popular with swimming pool owners as they can be programmed to clean every inch of your swimming pool. All you need to do is schedule a cleanup and you can trust the robotic pool cleaner to do the rest.

2. Check your pool filter pump and its filtration system

Pool filter pumps help in circulating freshwater inside your swimming pool and also in draining out dirty water. However, the more dirty water it drains out of the pool, the more clogged its filter becomes with dirt and debris. If there’s too much clogging, the pump will have to work much harder to drain the pool water, resulting in significantly higher energy consumption and potential damage to the components of the pump.

If you think your pool filter pump isn’t working as efficiently as it should be, it’s best to reach out to reputed pool cleaning professionals in your vicinity. The professionals boast of the technical expertise required for the de-assembly of your pump and check it for potential warning signs. If any problem is detected, you can count on them to make the necessary fixes so that your pump is up and running smoothly again.

3. Do a chemical test

The waters of your swimming pool need to have certain chemicals present for them to be safe enough for you and your family to swim in. Chemical imbalances in the pool water may lead to the growth of unwanted microorganisms, some of which may go on to cause diseases. Again, it’s best to call the professionals to have the chemical balance checked. Some of the things that professionals check include the pool’s pH levels, chlorine levels, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and stabilizer levels.

Chlorine is arguably the most important chemical for your swimming pool and it’s vital that you ensure proper chlorine levels, as too much or too little of it may both render your family and you sick. If you don’t want to call up professionals for help now and then, you should invest in an intelligent chlorinator, which you can use through your smartphone. Once the chlorinator detects insufficient chlorine in the water, it can dispense the needed amount to ensure the right balance.

4. Shock your pool

The act of shocking a swimming pool involves covering the surface of your pool water with highly concentrated chemicals. The prime purpose of ‘shocking’ is to increase the level of free chlorine in the water to approximately 10 times the level of combined chlorine in the water. Combined chlorine forms as a result of chlorine mixing with nitrogen that’s present in your body oils and sweat.

You should remember to talk to professional pool cleaners to know exactly what chemicals you can use for the ‘shocking’ process and how to use them. Some of the chemicals commonly used for shocking swimming pools include calcium hypochlorite, lithium hypochlorite, sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione or dichloroisocyanuric acid (dichlor), and potassium peroxymonosulfate.

Remember to follow the instructions provided to you by the professionals so that there are no freak accidents. Also, wear gloves and protective layers for your eyes and face as precautionary measures. Every chemical mentioned above also lingers in the water for certain periods; for example, calcium hypochlorite remains active in the water for eight hours, so don’t step into the pool immediately after you are done shocking it.

5. Clean the pool furniture and the surrounding areas

If you have dedicated furniture for your pool and haven’t used it in some time, you should clean it thoroughly. Chairs, daybeds, lounges, and tables are all prone to mold buildup and if left unchecked, mold may spread and wreak havoc with your health and that of your family members. So use a proper cleaning solution that eliminates mold completely.

You should also check the surrounding areas of the pool to make sure that there hasn’t been any algae overgrowth. Cracks may develop as well that may endanger the surrounding environment, particularly after you drain out dirty water from the pool. Again, it’s best to call swimming pool maintenance professionals to check for plumbing issues and get them sorted out before summer gets underway.

If you’re a busy individual who simply can’t make time to look after your pool’s maintenance needs, you should ideally reach out to the professionals. You can also upgrade certain components of your pool, such as the pool filter pump and cleaning system and buy ‘smart’ alternatives. Smart pool upgrades will help you care for your pool without having to be physically present near it. Through the convenient use of an app on your smartphone, you can give your pool the maintenance it deserves.

Caring for your pool in the weeks and months leading into summer can save you a lot of trouble down the road while making your pool absolutely safe and sound for yourself and, of course, your family.

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